Friday, May 8, 2009

What breed is she?

i got her on holiday were my nan lives and she stays with my nan but what breed is she
we dont no coz were my nan lives dogs aint really treated well and there is a lot of street dogs * WE TAKE CARE OF OUR DOG so dont worry she has had all her jabs and goes to vet
we just got her as a present
She looks like either german shepherd/collie or german shepherd/sheltie mix. If she is a large dog I think she would be mixed with collie, if she is small-medium I would think she is mixed with sheltie.
she looks like a german shepherd or german shepherd mix
puppy german sheperd
She looks like a shepard mix.
Everyone that has answered this is right..she is definitely German Shepherd or German Shepherd mix..but she is a QT!!
german shepherd mix
Looks like some german shepherd in old is she? You could say she is a Heinz 57 too being a street dog
German Shepherd, she looks like. ^^ Probably a mix of some other dog... perhaps some other type of sheperd or terrier... since her ears are more floppy than normal GSD pups. xD
Shes very cute!
there is no way of ever knowing there is no DNA test or anything to determine all the vets I know won't even attempt to try to guess at a breed. It's amix probably and it doesn't matter
got any adult pics? I can definantly see german shepherd.. sometimes its easier to guess on an adult because the coat is in completely then, and features are more defined. Otherwise my best guess is maybe collie.
I'd say a mix of some sort..She might have a little collie in her
There's no way to tell if it is a mix or not until it gets more mature, my uncle breeds German Shepards and they can come in different colors and different coat lengths as puppies so you really can't tell yet, however he/she looks just like some of my uncles FULL BLOOD German Shepard pups.

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