Sunday, August 2, 2009

What do you think is the best guard dog?

Well I think it depends on what you want the dog to do? Just look scary but not do anything I would go with a St. Bernard or a Great Dane. They are huge and not many people like big dogs. If you want one that barks, growls and all that stuff on commands you can try those two as well as Dobermans, German Shepard, Huskies, and more. Here is a website that might help. Remember though that any dog may be a good guard dog. you just have to train it.
Any dog can be trained as a guard dog to be honest. A family dog can instinctively become protective of their owners and home. Of course people naturally think of Dobermans, Rotts, German Shepherds and such like but any intelligent dog with the right training can be good to use as a deterant to would be thieves or burglars.
Dogs have very good hearing and can pick sounds up before we would. Just the very bark of a dog is enough to put off a lot of potential intruders.
It depends what you would like the dog to do, just act as a deterant or to look the part aswell!?
Some of the smaller breeds can make a lot of noise and be quite agressive, where some of the larger breeds of dogs make a lot of noise and look the part, but would lick an intruder to death if they came through the door!!
It is a difficult question but an interesting one!

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