Sunday, August 2, 2009

What does it mean when a dog is in heat?

Specifically. I want details. Is it just the females or the males as well
It means she has reached sexual maturity and is capable of breeding. No males don't come in heat. Comming in heat is like in humans having menstrual cycles. They come in heat generally bewteen 6- 14 months of age (varies on the dog). Generally it lasts about 3 weeks. When she is most fertile varies some in the dog but it lasts about 5 days. Spaying is always a GREAT suggestion, it prevents some cancers and lots of unwanted or homeless puppies and dogs.
just females. there area gets puffy and they bleed. its best to get them fixed so that you dont have to worry about that, or the dog getting ovarian cancers and such...
The above post said it pretty much. also if in heat is when they can become pregnent. heat lasts for a full month so be very carfull. and get her fixed asap.
your dog is ragging this means your dog is ready to mate so if you don't want puppies keep it away from male dogs
It means it's going to have babies.
It's just for female dogs.
It's like when a human female has her menstruation cycle. The dog's .. genitalia.. gets swollen and it bleeds. It usually only happens once a year for dogs, though. It's the one time a dog can mate and be able to actually make puppies.
Yea. My dog's in heat right now.
Also, they usually never leave people alone, as far as I've seen. They might howl or bark a lot and act like they have to go outside to go to the bathroom, when most of the time they're really just looking for a male dog to mate with.
just females when they are ovulating
Females in "Heat" or sometimes are referred to as being "in season" means that they are fertile and are ready to mate. Their genitalia will swell noticeably, and they bleed. Male dogs that are unfixed will respond and try to mount them and basically have intercourse.
it means female dogs that r not spayed can have " sex " with a male dog that is not neurted
Well its both but its different for both. Heat is mainly when the female dogs fertility is at it's peak, meaning she can get pregnant from a male dog. She'll also bleed so you might want to purchase dog diapers. For males it means that he might try to escape to find a female dog to be with. You can avoid all of this by simply getting your dog spayed.

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