Sunday, August 2, 2009

What do you think of dog fighting?

i was just wondering what other people think of it. i hate it. i just don't understand why anyone would make dogs fight just for a profit! its just disgusting because the owners of the dogs beat them and starve them, just so they can make money. its not worth it on the owners part.
I think the practice of dog fighting is absolutely abhorrent. Its disgusting that people deliberately incite dogs to fight each other just for betting money. What pleasure can there possibly be in seeing two animals tear each other apart, which they probably wouldn't have done normally.
Ranks right up there with bear-baiting, bull fighting, cockerel fighting and any kind of animal torture. It should be banned everywhere.
i think it is sick , how people think that is entertainment go to a damn movie i mean its so evil they hurt them scar them and if they lose they cut the puppys heads off or burn them alive
It's immoral and tarded. Nuff said.
I think it is evil
I think it's mean.
wats wrong with it, heck just 200 years ago it would of been a common site, everyone just turned into a ***** (no offence to those who are one) going around saying oh u got to love everything and deny your hate lust and your NATURAL human want for violence
I think it's absolutely awful and disgusting. Dogs are generally good natured animals- very sweet, loyal and innocent. People make them into scared and defensive dogs who know only pain and fear. It's dangerous to do this to animals and it's also very sad and wrong. The pain they have to go through before they end up dying in a fight is so sad and even worse if they don't die. Have you seen the after effects of a dog fight? People who do this must have no regard for life and no perspective on reality and the value of life.
What is really unfortunate is that poor Pitbuls get discriminated so harshly for the behavior of MAN and thier influence and training. The only Pitbuls that are dangerous are those who sadly get put into the wrong hands- the hands of selfish and ignorant people. We're the more intellegent species, so why blame the dog?
Dog fighting falls into the lines of using animals for human needs.
Many people could compare your attitudes to that of milking cows, slaughtering animals and how they are sometimes treated at animal plants, horse racing, dog racing, so and and so forth.
I do not, in any way, agree with dog fighting, or fighting with any other sort of animal. Would you feel the same way about rooster fighting? Or do you only sympathize with doggies because they are cute and fluffy? All in all, animals -are- on a different level of intelligence than homo-sapiens. Because of this, we needn't abuse them, but use kind care when dealing with them. Doing otherwise is putting you on a different level, which is that of a cruel, torturer.
Dog fighting also gives the animal a sense of hate. It's not right to give something that relys on humans to protect it, a cruel personality.
I think anyone who likes it should have there *** kick from here to hell and back so mr football player needs to be locked up and the key thrown out F ing lose he is a total waste of skin
Animal fighting of any kind is evil and wrong. I think anyone in it is an abuser type they beat there wife and kids.
i hate dog fighting like whats the point you may find it enjoyable but think about the dogs for a change being forced to fight for peoples entertainment. i dont see any enjoyment in that just abuse we live on the planet with animals in Peace not to make dogs fight against there own kind come on we can do something about it
people who fight any type of animal, do it because they believe it gives them a sence of power. when the animal wins, the "winner" is given money and respect or rank. personally speaking, it just shows cowardice on the humans part. anyone who fights with anything besides their fist is a slime bucket coward
Oh yeah, I think it's great...*sarcasm* It's terrible, and everyone that is found guilty of it should be thrown in jail. By the way, Michael Vick plead guilty to his dog fighting charges and could face up to 5 years in jail and a fine of up to $250,000. His co-defendents plead guilty and agreed to rat him out if it went to trial.
sick people that consider is a sport its sad that RICH people who have money do it because they consider it a hobby.
and no hes gonna do 12 months MAXIMUM he paid way too much and now hes not gonna do as much time
People who enjoy watching this sort of thing must be pretty perverted and deviant, in my opinion. The same goes for people who enjoy watching cockfighting and bear baiting. These are animals who are forced to fight and injure/kill each other for the amusement of humans. Very disgraceful.
There are alot of sick people in this work who use animals for nothing more than profit. The sad thing is; people are their worst enemies ~ in time we'll end up destroying not just animals but each other ~ well actually, we as people have already started...
bad bad bad.michael vick is a horrible person
It's horrible and unnecessary! Have you ever seen footage of a dog fight? It's horrible. It is in no way entertaining and the people who fight dogs are sick bastards

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