Monday, May 24, 2010

What happens when small dogs eat chocolate?

my dachshund just ate a small peice of chocolate cake.
Well I hope you didn't give it to your dog intentionally. The only thing you can do is take him to the vet or wait it out and watch him closely. Chocolate is fatal to dogs if they ingest too much.
it messes up theyre intestines
it clogs up there intestinal system and causes them to get very bad stomach cramps and can cause other symptoms. feed him plenty of water to wash it out, and as much food as you can get him to eat, if you need to force water him for a little while to lessen the mass of the cake. if he still shows signs of discomfort in say two hours take him to the vet.
A small amount is not harmful to the pup. Chocolate contains theobromine. A naturally occurring stimulant found in the cocoa bean, theobromine increases urination and affects the central nervous system as well as heart muscle. While amounts vary by type of chocolate, it's the theobromine that is poisonous to dogs.
If a 50-pound dog eats a teaspoonful of milk chocolate, it's not going to cause serious problems. However, if that same dog gorges himself on a two-layer chocolate cake, his stomach will feel more than upset and soon it's likely he'll be vomiting or experiencing diarrhea.
To answer the question "How much is too much" is not simple. The health and age of your dog must be considered. Obviously if your dog is aged and not in top shape, his reaction to a plate of chocolate is going to be different from a young healthy dog of the same weight.
Another fact that must be considered is this: Not all chocolate is the same. Some has a small amount of theobromine; another type has a large amount and still another contains an amount that is somewhere in between. The quantity has a relationship with the weight of your dog. Small dogs can be poisoned, it is easy to understand, from smaller amounts of theobromine than large dogs.
Which chocolate is the safest, relatively speaking? White chocolate. It has the least amount of theobromine: 1 mg per ounce. Far on the other side of the spectrum is baking chocolate, which has a huge 450 mg of theobromine per ounce!
Here are a few other chocolates for you to ponder: hot chocolate, 12 mg of theobromine per ounce; milk chocolate, 60 mg/oz; and up there near baking chocolate: semi-sweet chocolate with 260 mg/oz.
Knowing which chocolate is the most toxic is important, but leaves one wondering how much must be eaten to poison a dog. The list in this box should be helpful. Maybe you can clip it and post it on your refrigerator?

White chocolate: 200 ounces per pound of body weight. It takes 250 pounds of white chocolate to cause signs of poisoning in a 20-pound dog, 125 pounds for a 10-pound dog.
Milk chocolate: 1 ounce per pound of body weight. Approximately one pound of milk chocolate is poisonous to a 20-pound dog; one-half pound for a 10-pound dog. The average chocolate bar contains 2 to 3 ounces of milk chocolate. It would take 2-3 candy bars to poison a 10 pound dog.
Semi-sweet chocolate has a similar toxic level.
Sweet cocoa: 0.3 ounces per pound of body weight. One-third of a pound of sweet cocoa is toxic to a 20-pound dog; 1/6 pound for a 10-pound dog.
Baking chocolate: 0.1 ounce per pound body weight. Two one-ounce squares of bakers' chocolate is toxic to a 20-pound dog; one ounce for a 10-pound dog.

If your in doubt, take pup to the vet, sounds like you should.
My dog has eaten MM's etc The bitter chocolate cocoa stuff really bad just don't make a habit of this it causes kidney damage
Depends on how big it was. if it was quite a lot then you need to watch for behaviour changes in your dog, such as:
Hyper excitability
Hyper irritability
Increased heart rate
Increased urination
Muscle tremors
If he starts acting strangely the chocolate could be making him ill. In some cases, if the dog is not treated by a vet, chocolate can kill dogs. chocolate contains theobromine that is toxic to dogs in sufficient quantities.
As you dog is quite small, if he has eaten a fair amount of chocolate you will need to ring your vet for advice.
Keep an eye on it and make sure it has plenty of water. Nothing may happen, it may throw up? How big was the piece of chocolate? When in doubt call a vet? Phone calls are free.
if it was really really small it may do nothing but for the most part keep you dogs away from chocolate always.. it could kill them. small pieces.. like hersey kisses might not hurt them if its an accident but dont let it happen on purpose... but yeah... i say go to the vet if the chocolate cake was bigger then the dog...if your really worried go to the vet... nice to be safe then sorry.
hope ive helped
also dont let dogs eat ham. they dont digest it that well.
the caffeine in the chocolate is what is bad for them (so no soda either!). Larger dogs can get away with eating little bits accidentally, as their bodies are bigger and larger amounts of things are required to affect them. Small dogs like yours are much worse off, so let's see what we can do for him.
read this web page, and do the things it advises, as it tells you what kinds of chocoate are worse, the signs of toxidity, and what you can do to help!
They can die of it. I would go to the vet or just wait it out that's what i did when my Teacup Chihuahua had gotten to a secret stash of a bag of chocolate chips. and we were very lucky he just got really bad diarrhea. but most just die of there being so much caffeine in it. good luck.
never feed a dog chocolate or espacially grapes or grape jelly but if its an accident 1 time thing it should be fime when my dog was a baby he ate a whole big chunk of chocolate cake and hes fine

1 comment:

  1. hello i am very worried about my two dogs,,they both eat a very little of a choclate bar what do i do
