Monday, May 24, 2010

What if a puppy gets parvo disease can you treat this yourself?

without taking it to the vet what if a neurological thing happens to the pup like acting brain dead help
Parvo is a very serious disesase if you don't get to it fast your pup is gunna get really sick and really must go to the vet they will give you shots you have to give your dog every couple of hours and u must keep your pup very hydrated the best way to do that is buy gatorade and use a turckey baster and make your dog drink it.but the best thing to do is take the pup to the vet asap
best wishes for you and your pup
he will probably die if you try to treat it yourself. You need to take it to a vet if he gets parvo asap. There's a chance that the vet cannot even keep him alive.
Absolutely not. This illness can only be treated by a vet and even then it is often fatal. The sooner you get that puppy to the doctor the better chance you have of its survival. Please don't wait any longer. Go now!
TAKE. YOUR. DOG. TO. A. VETRINARIAN! unless you are a certified VET and know WHAT THE HECK YOU'RE DOING don't try to treat this yourself. the dog will DIE!
Parvo is a serious and deadly disease, and it can happen in puppies quicker because they get dehydrated very quickly. Please take it to the vet as soon as possible, there is a very strong chance it will die without a vet's care.
no take it to the vet! if you have other pets get is away as quickly as possible
Take the dog to the vet. It's 99.9% certain it will die if you try to treat it yourself. The odd one may survive, but a loving ownever will give their pet the best chance of living and get the help it badly needs.
Please if you think your dog has Parvo get it to the vet now. Don;t wait until later or even tomorrow. Do it NOW!
I know firsthand that you want to try to fix the problem without going to the vet but i assure you that you cant. my puppy survived parvo but only because i took it to the vet immediately. and even then it wasn't a quick cheap fix. GO TO THE VET ASAP
You really need to take them to the vet. ASAP. give them Gatorade. make sure they are drinking fluids. you might had to force them to drink with a needless sureng. not many pups make with parvo. My might have a day when the pup is acting better and playing, try not to let it move to much it might still be sick. you should really take it to the vet or call and get advise from them.

1 comment:

  1. Please, please STOP spreading misinformation about Parvo!

    Parvo can be treated successfully at home using herbal products.

    We have helped treat over 3,400 dogs and cats for Parvo during the past 40 months or so, and 90% of them have been saved (providing people follow directions).

    If you don't know what you're talking about, please don't comment - dogs' live are at stake here, and people with sick dogs don't need dangerous and inaccurate "information".
