Monday, May 24, 2010

What if my dog.?

what if my dog ate a roach and a fly... what will happen?
Nothing... dogs can eat all sorts of stuff... people are way to sensitive. Bugs, rodents etc are dogs natural prey. My parents had a jack russell that used to hunt flies. It was so cute.
He will military crawl across the rug then fly off.
Nothing. Stomach acid will kill them.
hehe that reminds me of the song... I knew an old lady that swallowed a fly...
nothing, the dog will be fine, good source of protien those bugs!
Nothing will happen to your dog, if he was in the wild, he will be eating insects etc., Nothing to worry about.
My chihuahua's chomped on a couple of flies in her time and she's healthy.
that would be extra protein for the day, as long as the insect wasn't bathed in poison. my dog eats ants, and cicada's.
nothing will happen to your dog
he/she will digest a roach and a fly. Then do what any other animal does after it digests something... poop it out. And probably do it again if it gets the chance. hahah

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