Thursday, July 30, 2009

What could be wrong?

My 4 year old jrt x yorkie has ( over the last few days ) come up in a red rash on her belly and running down to her groin and even her vulva area. She seems to be ok in herself and is still eating and drinking etc, but tonight as i was stroking her chest area i smelt a funny kind of smell from her belly area that didn't smell right but is hard to explain and saw some red marks on the insides of her legs that she wouldn't let me touch. Our male dog is showing alot of interest in her as if she was coming into season but she was spayed 4 months ago. Our little terrier keeps going for our male dog and she seems to be quiter in herself. She does seem to be uncomfortable around her back end and is very sensitive to any touch on her belly. Has anyone got any advice as to what the rash might be? I had said to my family i'll see how she goes until thursday but do you think she should be seen by a vet sooner? Thanks in advance.
It sounds like a skin infection--the abdominal/inguinal area is a very popular place for that, and infections definitely have a distinct smell. You should get her to the vet to see if she needs antibiotics or an ointment.
id say some sort of flea
go to the vet
Get her checked out, it could well be abdominal infection.
vet immeditly it could eathier be a skin rash or worst a dieses called paliouses (sounds like the humen one not) it first makes a stench and then slowly makes them enable to walk and then they pass awey
Our doxie got fleas once and got a horrible rash, as he had a severe allergic reaction. I would get into the vet tomorrow if they can get you in to get the issue properly diagnosed and treated by a professional.
In my experience a funny smell coming from a dog is never a good sign. I would take her to the vet as soon as possible!
Good luck
Take the damn dog to the vet. She either has allergies or a skin infection. You already know she ain't right or you wouldn't be posting. Your other dog is going nutty 'cause of the smell, and she's going after him 'cause she doesn't feel well and he's bothering her.
See a vet. Sounds like a yeast infection of the skin.
she may have poison oak. our doctor said dogs can get the rash from it. but I would def take her to the vet.
Well it sounds like an infection of some sorts, she doesnt have to be in heat for a horny male to be interested, when a un-nuetered male dog gets interested, he will hump just about anything.
It may be just a minor skin rash or a type of poison oak or ivy, either way you need to get to a vet to have it looked at before it gets worse. Call tomorrow and they probably won't see you til thursday anyway.
Please be a concerned and good pet owner and get professional medical help! Good luck to you and your dog.
I don't think it should wait til Thursday. Sounds like an infection, which can get much worse witout proper treatment.
It sounds like allergies or skin infections. or a skin infection caused by allergies. The reason it may have appeared all of a sudden could be due to weather changes (here its been really rainy andmoldy lately) or new carpet or anything. Even new pollen and things being emited from treesand plants. I suggest you take your dog to the vet to determine if its an allergy enflicted skin infection or a viral/bacterial skin infection. yorkies are known for skin problems. also, have you bathed your dog recently? baths can also trigger seasonal and other allergies. I cant give my dog a bath in the summer becaue his skin will start bothering him if I do.
The smell says infection to me! If you can't get to the vet sooner than Thursday, at least call %26 talk to a vet tech or leave a message for your vet. Better safe than sorry!
It sounds like she is still coming into heat, maybe her hormones have not adjusted to her body. The female sex hormone is found in other parts of the body as well as the ovaries. Other thing it could be a type of skin irritation. Mites or fleas(heaven forbid) can cause this(she may be alergic to either one) I do recommend proffesional help, as she is probably going through some very unpleasent mood swings and soreness. Not to mention confused.
My dog had a similar condition and the vet changed her diet to lamb product dog food and she has cleared up. She may have infected it from scratching it also. Best to get the vet to check the dog to be sure.
yeh, skin infection. see a vet before it gets any worse. will take a lot meds.

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