Friday, July 31, 2009

What do you think about the dog meat industry?

The ones in Korea, China, Vietnam.
I know lots of people say "to each his own" but I think the way the dogs are killed is very cruel. I don't believe in the "to each his own" theory because I believe in pure good and pure evil. I don't believe in gray areas. I think the way the dogs are killed is pure evil and there is nothing good about it at all. I don't care if it is another culture. It is still cruelty to animals.
here's a film of interest:
[if clicking the above fails, copy the link and paste it in media player]
Those who say "it's a different culture and deserves respect" needs to know that many Koreans work for more humane laws and for animal rescue.
In the past, different cultures have tolerated human sacrifice, cannibalism, slavery; don't these also qualify for respect?
I personally think its horrible and disgusting.
In China, they cut the dogs open alive, then hang them alive by their feet to let the blood soak out.
Some people would also consider us eating cows evil, but cows are nowhere near as intelligent as a dog, they're basically all instinct, no thought process in a cow, they're not conscious.
There are french islands where people use dogs and puppies as bait. They put hooks through the live puppy and throw them in the water to fish for sharks. Its horrible
I hate how any animal is killed! Yes it is VERY wrong to eat dogs! Why would any one want to! I can't picture eating my puppy! I HATE IT!
I don't agree with killing dogs for food. That said, if what you disagree with is only how the animals are killed, I expect that you do not eat chicken, beef, turkey, pork, etc? Because many of these animals are butchered in an inhumane way for mass production of meat that we consume on a daily basis.
I think that all meat industrys are equally cruel it does not make a difference if the animal is "cute" or not. It is only sick to some people because they keep dogs for pets. It does sound horrific, I know what you mean somehow.
EWW Thats What i think, it is cruel, i argree. Think About Your Dog Being Hung And Sluaghtered
While I don't agree with the practice, I do not believe the people are evil.
It is definitely cruelty and is awful how those dogs are treated, but I truthfully believe the people who do those things do not know any better. They are not evil, but their acts may be. They are ignorant people, but even ignorance is not a total excuse.
Well, this is a hard topic, because it is easy to say that eating dog meat is wrong, yet our own country kills millions of dogs each year.
To me, it is not eating dogs that is immoral, but rather the way they are killed and kept before death.
I grew up with a dad that hunted elk for food. We were taught by him to repsect these animals and that they should be killed as humanely as possible and that no meat should be wasted as that was disrespectful to the life that was given for us to eat.
I am not against using animals as food, but they deserve a good life before they become food, and they deserve the basic respect of inflicting as little pain as possible when killing them for food.
I also expect the same treatment of our food animals like beef cows, pigs, chickens, etc., and do my part to only buy free range chicken and such.
Hopefully these countries will start to feel the same way, but we are not much better here. Animals suffer needlessly in this country all the time. Tortured animals are brought into shelters regularly, and many die without ever receiving help.
I pray that the cruelty all over the world will soon end, but there is still much to be done.
Hunting for substinance and organic farming are not cruel. Factory farming, squeeze cages, overcrowding, insufficient trailers, 'stun bolts', electrocutions, and kosher slaughters are inhumane and cruel. I agree that the way foreign countries slaughter animals is at least as cruel as the way we do it. As for dogs or horses, I cannot in the least understand how they differentiate between the ones they keep as pets and the ones they put on the table. I certainly couldn't do it.
I'm sorry, but if you think that everything is black and white, your life must be pretty bad.
Yes, they eat dogs and cats, but that's their culture and should be respected.
Do you want them to come over here and tell us how to live our lives? That is what would happen if we were to go over there and tell them to quit eating dog and cat.
What the Hell?!
I thought that was just a myth!
I never knew there was really a dog meat industry, my gosh.
The dogs are slaughtered like pigs and cows in America right?
Think of how they look at us for that?
They don't always hold dogs as pets in the same way Americans do.
What do you think they think of the beef, poultry and pork industries over here, which is booming with millions of dollars here?
I think that people in some other nations look at us in disgust for eating cows. When we point one finger at someone else, we have four pointing back at ourselves. The way we slaughter cows and pigs is cruel too. I'm not sure there is a kind way to slaughter meat animals.
We spend lots of money on pets while people in third world countries starve. We have programs to give medical care for pets while poor people here go without. Other nations have a lot to look at us and judge too. We should stop being so arrogant and take a good look in the mirror.
There are cultural differences in the world. I do not like this practice at all. Not one bit. But, I do not believe we can push our values on other societies.
What is taboo here may be a way of life in other countries.
Some of these countries are dirt poor, so anything moving that is not human is considered food.

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