Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do i need for my shihtzu puppy thats coming plzz tell me ?

Here are some links to what you need for a new puppy
I have a shihtzi, she likes playing with the tiny tennis balls and ropes. She also likes eating the Old Roy Beef Sticks.
a bulldog
first you want to make sure you are ready to take care of a dog.
the dog will need an ample amount of love and care.
ness:food, water, shelter
A bed would also be nice and toys incase she gets bored.
Make sure the pup gets her shots and is fixed when that time comes.
You might also want to get a crate and crate train her.
Toys and a clean safe environment with nothing small that she might choke on. A water bowl and a food dish. Puppy Chow, and lots of LOVE!!
u neeed dog food (buy a good kind like eukanuba), water and food bowls, toys (ex. chew toys, stuffed animals), a cage, a leash and collar, treats, and thats about it i guess.
For your new puppy, the best thing you can do is buy a crate! A crate will help you to potty train her. It will also serve as a nice safe place to keep her when you can't be there to supervise her. My dogs love their crates. Crates can be a life saver if you want to travel with your dog, and if you ever have to leave her at a vet or kennel. Next to a good obedience class, a crate is your next best investment.
I have a shitzhu and they're liek any puppy. If you have carpets and want to try protecting them from "accidents", baricades may be a good idea. You can try buying little dog pads which are designed for dogs to do their business on them. There are plenty of soft and tiny puppy treats you can buy at the store. Try buying a squeaky ball, thats soft enough for a puppy to fit in his mouth to play fetch. Since shitzhus don't shed, be sure to have a brush to comb the dog and keep them from getting knots. They love to play and easily get knots that are really tough to get out if not brushed regularly. Enjoy your new pup!
Toys like everybody says but most importantly a good food for your puppy. Not Eukenuba or anything you can buy from a grocery store. They are full of fillers and by-products that your puppy will just poop out.
Go to this link and try to find something that is rated high like a 5 or 6.
You could try Chicken Soup for the Puppy Lovers Soul. That's a good affordable food.
Earplugs, mop, lotsa rags, air freshener, lint brush, paper towells, newspapers, furniture polish, a yard, doghouse, rubber gloves, Pine Sol, food and patience.
Had a Shitzu appropriately named "Trauma". Cute, smart, and peed all over everything (including me) due to an overly-active excitement chemical in his little brain.
Good luck with that.
I have a shih tuz and they are just super little dogs. Take a blanky or old t shirt to the breeder a few days before you bring the puppy home and have mommy sleep with it. Then bring it home with the puppy, this will help her sleep at night, with a familiar smell around. You will need good dog food. Meat should be listed as the first ingredient, and no fillers like wheat or rice gluten. Get a crate, one that is not too big for her. If its too big, the puppy will go to the other end of the crate and poo and pee. Put a soft pillow and her blanky in the crate. You will need dog food bowl and water bowl. Aluminum or ceramic are the best. Any kind of plush toys, no toys that are too small for her, or she might choke. Get her shot record from the breeder, and be sure and get her next set of shots. Your vet will also get her on heart worm meds and flea and tick meds when she is old enough. You will need brushes and combs, dog shampoo and conditioner. There is a lot of stuff you have to have for a puppy. Hope this helps.

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