Friday, July 31, 2009

What do I do when she's had the puppies?

Can I change the blanket she had them on or would it be best to leave it alone.
Oh FFS, why do BYBs breed their dogs and THEN ask questions?
Give them a clean blanket, the old one will be wet and filthy. You'll need to change blankets fairly often, the b*tch will be discharging for several days.
I would change it as soon as she's done and comfortable, and those fluids are VERY stinky. you'll want to change the bedding frequently in the beginning.
Dont hurry her. She should clean up as much as possible. Their scent needs to be around her and sometimes if you interfere, she could reject them or get snippy with you. Animals have instincts and know exactly what to do. Wait a few days and let them be. I bet they are sooooo cute!
It is best to change the blanket when possible... you need it to be sanitary for both the mother and puppies.Just set up another bed for the new pack, next to the old one and start transfering one pup at a time.. the mother will start trying to carry them back... but she'll get the point. Just remember that you want to keep everything clean just how you would like it if you had to sleep in it.
If there is a long time between puppies you can use that time to clean up a bit. I usually change the blankets 1/2 way through the whelping process...then after she is completely done, my girl has a special blanket she loves in her whelping box...anything to make her comfortable. But you may not have time between puppies to worry about the blanket. I usually put newspapers under the blankets to help absorb the fluids, but she should clean up after herself and the pups fairly well. Just use your own discretion as the time comes. It's really up to you. Just see how things go and play it by ear. Each delivery is different. Our first whelp the pups were 5 mins apart for the first it was too quick to worry about the blankets. Good luck.
u dont know wut to do and ur breeding dogs?
Change the blankets frequently. I usually use a thick blanket covered by several towels so if things aren't too too messy I can just swap out towels to wash (puppies=loads of laundry).
The cleaner you keep the pups and the whelping area the easier the pups will be to housetrain.
Please see:;...
u can change the worries.she will smell the place because its something new with a new smell on it but she will be just fine and plus of that its important for the puppies health and of course hers too
Yes, you can change the blanket, but just be very, very careful. When my chihuahua had her litter, me and my mom would change her blanket all the time ( it stunk so bad!! ). It was perfectly fine with her, because she trusted us. Just make sure that you are squatting or sitting down ( one drop could kill a newborn ), and that you have a clean blanket nearby to replace it. Newborn puppies can't be out in the cold for long so make sure the blanket is extra cozy -- but not so much that the puppies could get lost in it. What I did was just spread out an old clean towel ( emphesis on "spread" ( not too many fold )), and Lola loved it.
Hope this helps!
You want to keep the area clean and dry for the pups and for mom's sake - I'm concerned that you are asking these questions now - after the fact, but will keep my opinion to myself. Continue to clean their bedding daily, keeping the area well covered in blankets. Be careful to keep it soft but smoothed out, pups are easily lost in the blanket folds and could be in danger of suffocation or crushing by mom. Once you make it through the next 6-8 weeks, Please consider spaying mom - PLEASE
Definitely change it when she is done. It is wet and icky. And then change bedding once a day. After 3weeks or so, you will have to change it even more often. Moms stop cleaning up after babies around three weeks.
You should be there with her and clam her down say she is a good girl and pet her. Careful when you handle her pups she might not like that. have plenty of towels and blankets. If you can keep the time of each pup with it comes out for when its time to take the pups to the vet. It could take all day for her to have them. make sure she has plenty of water, food, and attention. it will get messy.

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