Friday, July 31, 2009

What do you do with a dog that is afraid of thunder storms?

my dog runs around panting heavy and crawls up under end tables too small for her to get under. I have had some people tell me to drug her during storms. That is not a option,
because I live in Fla and I refuse to drug a dog everytime it storms.
Comfort,Comfort,Comfort!No one knows until they have had an animal that has that problem what it is like!Years ago I had an Australian Shepard that was so pitiful .He started out jumping up into the air as if to try to bite the Lightening?Every time it lightened he went up doing his Biting thing?Then before long he became frantic hours before the storm even appeared,pacing ,scratching ,crying,howling all in combination.When I let him in he would go straight to my bedroom and go under the bed and dig.If he couldn't get under the bed he would dig into the carpet.One time we took him down to the Pool House and locked him in there,before we realized how serious this was for him ,and he chewed a metal vent on the Door completely out of the door and just showed up at the back door frantic!From that day on I held this poor 40 # freaked out Baby in my arms every time a storm even got near.It was terrible ,he was scared to death his whole life of storms near and far!I know now that I could have given him a small dose of Benadryl and both of us would have felt much better.RIP "Cody"!!Good Luck!!
Make sure that you keep him inside, curtains closed and stay with him and keep him calm.
crate train your dogs
this is not cruel your dogs actually feel safe and secure in their crate . everytime there is a storm get them relaxed and comfortable in their crate. my dog is crate trained and he goes in his crate by himself when he wants some alone time.
my dalmation gets scared too, the best thing to do if you are home is just to be in the same room with the dog, and pet the dog and comfort her, let her know that you are there and it will help calm her down. when we get storms if I am home, i just put her bed in our room, and she calms down just being near us. good luck, i know its hard to have that everytime it rains!
I have a dog that does this also, I put him in a room that is dark where he can't see the lightning.
keep her calm.
you can always ask your vet.
Maybe your vet would recomend therepy.

GOOD LUCK! to you and your dog.
keep it inside
and hold is
and say its ok
Get the Dog Whisperer..but seriously im not sure what you should do. try petting her and trying to calm her down and let her know that it is okay.
It's not that unusual, I just try to keep her calm by talking quiet
and petting her.
Dude most dogs act like that its normal some times. My little brother told me that his teachers dog went so mad that they had to put the dog down but my two dogs don't have a problem with the storms.
give her a treat, and i mean a really good treat so that she associates storms with good food. if that doesn't work, have you crate trained her? try training her to a crate, to most dogs, a crate is their little hideaway place, their own personal space, since she's trying to hide under tables, she would appreciate a crate more suited to her size. but, sometimes drugs are the only way to go, don't rule it out because storms can be unhealthily stressful for some dogs. hope this helps, lol.
My lab just started after 6yrs being very afraid. I have to hold him with eyes and ears covered.He forgets really fast though,because as soon as it's clear and he has to go out, he runs away from me!
I have a website that has a page all about what to do if your dog is afraid of thunder or other loud noises. Check it out, it might help.
I once had a Pit/Catahula Cur mix that was deathly afraid of T-storms. She would have crawled into my pocket if she could. She stuck to me like glue until it was over. One of the ways I was able to ease her anxiety was to play with her. My reasoning was to try and distract her from what was making her anxious. This worked so well that after a while when we would have those storms Alex would go get one of her toys and bring it to me for play time cause she now associated T-storms with extra play time. I also, as several others have said, used this time to train and reward with extra special treats. I'm afraid I can't say how this worked long term as my ex came and took Alex one night and I only saw her once after that before she let her die from heartworms. I do know that as long as I had her, when the thunder would start she would go get a toy and make me go in the kitchen with her. That's where I kept her treats. There, we would play until it was over. The only down side was when the storms came in the middle of the night. She wanted to play then sometimes too but only during the really bad ones. Otherwise, she would just leave her usual spot at the foot of my bed or in the doorway to my room and curl up next to my bed on the floor. It was really kinda sweet. When the thunder would start she would come over and lick my hand or face to let me know she was there. I'd give her a scratch or a pat on the head and then she'd curl up there next to me and go back to sleep. I think it's most important to make them feel safe as though nothing unusual is going on.
Do u have a room in your house that has little to no windows? If you do, I suggest taking your dog to that room. make a nice, comfy bed for it, and fill the room with your dog's favorite toys. sometimes, toys and treats will distract them and calm them down. during the storm, make sure you stay with your dog, even if it involves pulling out the air matress or sleeping bag. and make sure that you stay calm too! animals, and especially dogs, can often sense a humans destress.

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