Friday, July 31, 2009

What do you have to provide to get a dog from a shelter?

I have a really active choco lab and he gets lonely sometimes when I have to leave for work and he has to stay fenced in the back yard. We live in a rural area and I was thinking about getting a shelter dog as a playmate for him.
How does that work?
It depends on where you go. But when I recently rescued my cat, I had to provide them with the names of my vet, what types of pets I had already, whether they were male or female, how old they were, and whether I rented or owned my home. They also wanted proof of my address (I think so that if problems arose they could find me easily or something), so I had to bring in a bill with my name and address on it.
Kudos to you for wanting to rescue a dog! ;-)
It depends on the shelter. Really bad pounds will just let you take one; in nice shelters, you'll have to provide things like age, what pets you have at home, how often you're away from home, what you'll do if you move (take the dog with, of course), driver's license, date of birth, etc. etc. Anything else you need will be filled in by shelter personnel.
Just call you local animal shelter see if they heave any dogs that are friendly and that's it , you just need to bring money to pay for the dog , but they don't ask for anything else , well at least they don't ask here where I live . Except basic info on you and your family that will be living with the dog.
you need to give the shelter records of other dogs you had and when i got my puppy they also asked for people they can call to ask if we were good enough for the responsibility
Great idea!
It really varies, but some require a home a home inspection to make sure you have a proper place for him.
Others require that you be in your home for a certain amount of time (stability). They are looking for forever homes for dogs, not someone who will have to give them up in 6-12 months when they move again.
Go to and look for dogs in your area. Call and ask what info they need.
Hope this helps!
are animal shelter SUCKS we adopted (well rescued from being killed) and all you do is just put your name down and they let you have the dog. Becareful on what animal shelter you adopt from
Call the shelter, Pound, Humane Society, SPACA, and Local Rescue organizations. They should be able to help you match a dog to your dog.
If you are already responsible for a dog, adopting another dog should not be a big issue.
Well, usually, you go to the shelter, take a look around and pick out which dog you think is best for you. You then fill out forms about your living and working situation (i.e. if you own or rent and what place you live in).
There may be more to if if the dog is special needs some times. Or if its a large breed dog and has to have room to roam.
So, just check out the shelter to see what sort of requirements they have. It varies from place to place.
Good luck on your search and yay for you for considering adopting.
Some shelters require nothing. My local shelter you need your landlord to sign a permission form if you rent and that's IT. Just give them the cash and take the dog. They even waived the landlord thing for me since my landlord who is my boyfriend was out of town.
Other shelters are pickier. They may require interviews, home visits, vet recommendations etc. Just call your local shelter and ask.
the cost can range from $50-500
It depends.
The one I adopted my then 8 week old Border Collie Mix from (She's now about 11 weeks old) all the asked for was $30. But, I paid $65 so I could get her 1st puppy shots, the actual pup, %26 get her spayed once she is old enough. Which I only paid $35 extra. Then they had my sign a recent %26 I was done.
I got mine at the shelter, depending on who and why they were brought in, u need a form of identification, you fill out paperwork, pay the fee, they explain the dogs situation, they expect you to have the dog fixed and if u agree to everything you can bring the dog home the same day. If they dog was a stray they usually wait 3 or so days to see if anyone claims it before they adopt it out, if the dog was dropped off by the owner usually u can take them home with you.
It depends on your location. You may have to provide proof from your landlord if you rent that you have permission to have an animal or another animal on the premise. In rural areas, usually just show that you have the knowledge to care for your new pet, the desire to love and protect it, a small fee for neutering or spaying, and whatever shots are needed. Labs are really active dogs and a playmate would be a great idea.
Since we are renters we also had to provide proof we are allowed to have a dog. Also, since our baby would be spending her days with my parents' dogs (the 3 of them play together while we are at work) once we had narrowed our choice to two different dogs we had to bring my parents' dogs to the pound to see how everyone interacted.
It depends on the shelter. Some places will just let you take an animal with no background check or anything. Other places will visit your home and decide weather or not you are worthy of the animal. Most places just have you fill out a questionaire with all your home information on it and asking if you have ever surrendered an animal before. If you have be honest and they might not care depending upon the circumstances. Good Luck!!
Many are different. Take your dog to see if there is playmate there for him and discuss it with them.
Be sure to check petfinders for other rescues in your area.
I really do not want to sound mean, but I don't think you should be answering this question. Just hear me out, I am not calling you a bad person or anything. Like I said just keep an open mind.
I work for an animal shelter and we are not allowed to give out what is expected from a potential adopter. We have had too many people try to lie to us, once they find out what we ask for and need. It has nothing to do with you, but there are those people we lie so they can adopt a dog. We like to as up front when you are adopting, so we can get honest answers and we know that we are getting a responsible pet owner. Like I said, I am not calling you a bad person, but keep in mind that there are substantial reasons to our maddness.
When we adopted our dog from Orphans of The Storm (not affiliated with Hurricane Katrina), we had to fill out forms stating that we would provide her with a run, or a fenced in yard, and that we would pay for her spaying.
We have since moved to a bigger house, with a bigger yard. She goes outside in her pen, and for walks with me. (We both need to lose some weight) We keep her shots up dated, she's always wearing her license and she gets fed once a day. We also take her to the groomer when she starts to smell bad. lol
It all depends on what shelter you get your pet from. Some will ask you a million and one questions. Others just want the animal gone and your money. So, be careful of where you get him/her from. Make sure their values about life and animals match yours.

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