Friday, July 31, 2009

What do you do or say when somebodies dogs jump on you every time you go to their home?

When I go to my neighbors both of their large Golden Retrievers jump on us. One stops after a few times but the other continues. They only tell it to stop once.
Don't say anything, just gently push the dog off of you and then praise it when it is down.
Some people are totally clueless and will get offended if you say something about it, but if they see you having to "train" their dog, they will either get the hint or the dog will actually learn from you.
The best way to discourage them is to step backwards when they are trying to jump on you. The dog will land on the ground instead of you, and it will discourage him from doing it. Then when he finally gives up and sits or stands in front of you, pet him and tell him he's a good dog, etc. You can also use your knee to push him off you. Dogs don't like that.
I would ask them to put it away when I am coming over so it doesn't knock my kids down or would not go there any more...
they re being quite inconsiderate, and irresponsible, a responsible owner makes sure their dogs behave
I have a friend who has dogs that do this too! I hate it...they are a Golden Retriever and a Labrador Retriever.they love people and want to jump all over me when I come over. I usually tell them to "go" or "No" and I am constantly lifting my leg up to knee them in the chest. My friend knows me and knows how I hate this, so she is understanding...but you have to be careful because some people can take it offensively.
There really isn't anything you can do without ticking off the neighbors. Disciplining other peoples dogs is like disciplining other peoples children; a bad idea. These people just didn't train their dogs properly, which is doubly bad since they're big dogs. They obviously know their dogs jump on people; they just don't care. You can try stepping back when they come at you, or turning away, to avoid them. Trying any training techniques won't work, though, no matter how subtle, since they won't be used when you aren't there.
Call ahead and politely ask them to put a leash on the jumpy dog.
Take care of it yourself. As the dog jumps up, bring up your knee. You aren't kicking or kneeing him, he will bump your knee when he jumps up. Say, "no, sit", at the same time.
Praise him and pet him when he sits.
Be honest. Tell them the dog makes you nuts, and they need to control him.
Ignore the dogs when you first get there say nothing to them, don't touch them just ignore them. If they still jump on you turn around( turn back away from them) ! when they settle down (calm state) them pet them as a reward for being calm.
Politely ask them to please control there pet, if that doesn't work there is a bit ruder method that Will work, i had a black lab/collie mix that was a Monster (260 lbs and about 6'4 when standing on his hind legs) he liked to jump too and the only thing that broke him of it was every time he jumped i brought my knee up HARD into his chest only had to do it about 5 times and he quit jumping.
I dont think you should say anything unless theyre a really good friend of yours. if theyre a good friend of yours, dont say anything in front of theyre parents, talk to them in private:: "ur dog keeps jumping up on me.. its kinda bothering me.. im not trying to be rude but.. you kno?"
Whenever I go to my boyfriend's house, his dog jumps all over me and scratches like crazy.
Usually I just tell him to get off quietly, because I know his mom gets really offensive if I tell her dog to do things (even if it's something like that).
If the parents are bitchy about it, I would just talk to them and tell them that you don't want them all over you.
Tell them that it makes you uncomfortable.
I normally walk in and walk straight past the dogs and ignore them for about 10 minutes and then start playing with them. If they jump on you step into them and turn away from them.
Turn your back to them.When you turn back around,if they try to jump up,turn around again.Don't say anything to them. They should soon get the idea that jumping equals being ignored.Ask your neighbors to please work with them as well,as a large dog could easily knock someone over and hurt them,even if it's unintentional.
the problem is pack order you have to establish your place in their pack. When you go there and they start to jump on you push them off and say "no... off. in a commanding voice (like you would use with a little brother or sister) Keep repeating your self till they stay down. use your hands in a pushing motion and say "stay .. off. When they do stay off pet them and tell them they are good dogs. some dogs will get excited all over again when you say good dog. so you'll probably have to go back to the "no... stay off " . Dogs are very intelligent. after a while they will learn to follow your command to stay off the first time you give it, because they 'll know the praise and attention you'll give them because they were good a little praise and attention ...that's all they really want.
Ignore it completely. don't look at it, pat it or talk to it. he will soon get bored of you. Talk to the owner, ask them to keep their dogs under control!!!!!

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