Friday, July 31, 2009

What do you do when you can't keep a pitbull?

What do you do when you can't keep a aggressive pitbull and rescue groups wan't take her and you don't wan't her put down and nobody wants her
The most responsible thing to do is euthanize the dog. If you try to give her away, she may end up in the hands of some evil person who would fight her which is torture. Even if a nice person gets her, she could really hurt someone. The best, most responsible and really the only option is a pain-free euthanasia.
Find a good trainer and fix your mistakes??
Put an ad in the paper,someone might take her.
get help from an expert so she can be more submissive and a rescue will take her.
Your only option is trying more rescue groups. If she is overly aggressive and has a history of biting, she will be put down if you take her to a shelter. I don't know your situation, but just be aware of what will happen, so before you make a decision, make sure it's one you're going to be able to live with. Maybe try a private obedience class. That might be an option.
I am sorry, but if she is that aggressive, there aren't many choices. I had to have my German Shepherd put down because of that. She was great, but hated little kids...and no, she was never mistreated by one.
I felt terrible doing that, but would have felt worse if she had successfully mauled a child. Be responsible.
why is she so aggressive? what happened to her? I would say try and ad but also try working with her... but if you hire a professional you are investing in something you want to get rid of... maybe an ad in the paper.
give her to me, just get her trained and work with her pit bulls are not natrually mean if you kepp them locked up all the time that can trigger agression toward ather animals or even people
If you find a good (I mean REALLY good) trainer that's used to working with aggresive pitbulls, then maybe she'll get trained and you can keep her. I know, it's hard to know that you may have to put her to sleep. It's hard but remember, things change, things go wrong, but always remember life goes on.
Wow that's not sounding too good. Maybe you should try to find a really good trainer to try and make her less aggressive. But if that doesn't work, you may have to put her down, despite how much you don't want to. Aggressive animals aren't usually happy animals. But definitely leave that as a last resort. Call around and try to find a really good trainer and hopefully she will become more friendly.
Good luck!
Mike Vick will know what to do with her.

sorry - couldn't resist.
I'm sure Michael Vick and his crew will be more than happy to take the dog.
if your an animal lover like i am no matter what kind it is, try seeking help for her by way of training from an experienced person who dedicates their lives to help dogs in her situation. if training isn't something that you can afford then keep looking for a home for her cause there is someone or somwhere that she can go to and that will want her. if you have a wal-mart near you contact them about an adopt a pet program that they host (i can't remember the name of it) and ask when and where it is. that would be the best solution for you.good luck!!
Work with a trainer until you have either reformed your dog or discovered that you cannot change its behavior. If you find your dog to still be aggressive after sessions with an expert behaviorist, as much as this sucks, the responsible and kindest thing will be to euthanize the dog.
You cannot rehome an aggressive dog without legal implications if the dog were to attack a person or other pet. This would cause you years of misery and possible financial ruin depending on the situation.
You can't risk giving it away to someone who says they can retrain an aggressive pit because this person might very well turn out to be a dog-fighter. Imagine your guilt if your pet ended up in this miserable situation!
And you can try to wait for a no-kill SANCTUARY- not a shelter- they do exist but are extremely rare and the wait is very long, but what will you do with your poor dog until then? Cage it? Kennel it? Tie it up? All sad states of existance for an active, healthy dog.
Make the comittment to the training. Give it your best shot. If the trainer thinks it's not working, be your dog's best friend and put it out of a future of misery. Do this with your own vet- ask him to come to your home so the dog isn't stressed out. I hate to give you this answer. But not all dogs can be saved. Good luck to you. I hope you can prove me wrong...
Well you can stop wearing those heavy shinguard for a start.
You can put the kids on the floor for a while without worrying about them getting their throat ripped out.
Friends will start coming around again.
people don't write you off as being part of some insecure subculture that keeps dogs designed to kill.
Basically you rejoin the human race. Its pretty cool actually.
and the pit bull will be in doggie heaven, ripping the wings off angels foolish enough to let them in.
Wow sounds like your out of choices, sorry about that. I cant believe rescue groups won't take her, people are on here all the time trying to get everyone to get dogs from rescues, shelters etc.
Please dont try to get anyone to take her, her aggresive issues could be used on a poor human that isn't going to live from it.
I had a dog once that was so protective of our home and property, why we dont know. I advertised him free to a good home letting the new owner know how he was, and the guy after 5 min. could come up to the dog and befriend him, took him home, he lived out in the country and they lived happily ever after. but that isn't always the case.
animal shelter
I found a website that might help, for the Toronto Humane Society. If you call the Communicator shown at the bottom of the article, you might get some advice, because they are dedicated to saving animals' lives. Good luck.

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